Eco-Friendly Printing
Some print companies claim to be environmentally-conscious when all they offer is recycled paper. At Print-Tech, we strive to reduce our energy consumption, pollution and waste by establishing efficient and green business practices. Making informed decisions on sustainable materials and processes allows us (and our customers) to minimize our impact on the environment. Our eco-friendly printing policy is comprehensive. It encompasses the products we manufacture, the processes used, and our physical plant, which is continually upgraded for energy efficiency and waste reduction.
Print-Tech’s eco-friendly products and practices include:
• A large selection of recycled content paper (encouraging recycled paper printing)
• FSC Certified paper and 100% Post-Consumer Waste paper
• Use of Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
o Earth Pride UV Coatable – formulated with a special blend of vegetable oils, these inks offer low levels of VOC
o Ecoset Process – inks contain less than 3% VOC based on Test Method 24.
• 100% Computer-to-Plate which eliminates the need for chemical processing
• All toner from our digital presses meets the RoHS Directive in the European Union. This means that the copier toner and packaging eliminates hazardous substances (like lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBBs and PBDEs) and copier output is completely free of these hazardous materials.
• All spent solvent, inks and oils are recycled
• All cardboard, paper, printing plates, pallets, packing material and toner cartridges are recycled
• Press solutions are alcohol-free
• PDF proofs are used when applicable (reduces paper usage and travel for hard copies)
• Printing digitally whenever possible, which saves paper and natural resources
• Providing in-house finishing, distribution, and mailing services, which saves natural resources by avoiding unnecessary transport from our warehouse to a secondary vendor
Our commitment to the environment
Our green practices are a priority, which not every printing company can attest to. 100% of the electricity we use is offset by renewable energy credits (RECs). Also known as Green Tags, RECs represent proof that every megawatt-hour of electricity is generated from a renewable energy source. They are sold separately from commodity electricity and provide a significant way for us to lessen our environmental impact. We are also proud partners in different energy-efficient endeavors, including the EPA Green Power Partnership, Washtenaw County’s Waste Knot Program, and the Environmental Excellence Partnership Program.
How does Print-Tech’s eco-friendliness impact you?
A printer’s efforts to run a sustainable manufacturing operation will help you minimize your organization’s impact on the environment. And green printing generally does not cost customers more. Bottom line? Print-Tech takes eco-friendliness seriously. We focus on reducing our carbon footprint in our business and printing practices because we believe it’s the right thing to do.